CV (English)
Rita Žukauskienė
Professor, Ph.D.
Institute of Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University
Ateities st. 20
LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania.
TEL. + (370 5) 2714620; Fax: + (370 5) 2714711
E-mail: rzukausk(eta)
Scientific degrees
1998 Vilnius Pedagogical University & Vilnius University, Doctor of social sciences (psychology).
2004 Vilnius University, Habilitation procedure
- 2005 –National Prize for the Textbook “Developmental Psychology”, Ministry of Science and Education. “
- 2008-2009 – National Scholarship for Achievement in Sciences
- 2012 m. National Award for Excellence in Sciences for the study “The Study of Psychological Well- being of Lithuanian Children, Adolescents and Adults (1997–2011)”.
- 2014 – Award for excellence in Science „Mini Nobel“ , „Mini Nobelio“ laureatė psichologijos/sociologijos srityje
Professional appointments
1983 -1993 Teaching assistant, Vilnius Pedagogical University
1993 -1998 Doctoral student, Department of Psychology, Vilnius Pedagogical University
1998 – 1999 Assistant Professor, Vilnius Pedagogical University
2000 – 2001 Associate Professor, Vilnius Pedagogical University
2001 – 2004 Associate Professor, Law University of Lithuania
2005 – 2007 Head of Department of Psychology at Mykolas Romeris University.
2005- present Professor, Mykolas Romeris University
Scientific management and supervision
- 2020- 2023 Navigating Through Secondary School: The Role of Friends and Parents (NAVIGATE),
- 2020-2023 Uncovering Child Sexual Abuse: Assessment of Life-time Prevalence and Development of Lithuanian version of Simulated Interview Software (EIT) UNCOVABUSE,
- 2018-2021 Go Green: Understanding the psychological mechanisms of the development of pro-environmental behavior in the context of longitudinal intervention (GOGREEN).
- 2017-2019 Identity and post-traumatic growth in female survivors of intimate partner violence: the role of resilience, coping and social support (INETGRO)
- 2015-2017 Identity development among adolescents and emerging adults in Lithuania and Japan (IDELIJA)2012-2015 Mechanisms of positive youth development in the context of socio-economical transformations (POSIDEV). OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT FOR 2007–13 Priority 3 Strengthening Capacities of Researchers
- 2008-2012 Cyberbullying: coping with negative and enhancing positive uses of new technologies, in relationships in educational settings. COST (EU)
- 2007 –2009 ,,,Political socialization from adolescence to young adulthood” (Lithuanian Science Foundation)
- 2006-SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY 7. Citizens and Governance in a knowledge based society. PROMINSTAT (STREP). Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research in the Field of Migration and Integration in Europe. Proposal Nr. 028972
- 2005- DAPHNE II 2005-: FEAR in IPV – Fatality European Assessement Review in Intimate Partner Violence. Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Italy, Partner organisation:Department of Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, LITHUANIA. Coordinator: Rita Zukauskiene
- 2004 DAPHNE II 2004 project “Sara travelss” (Spousal Assault Risk Assessment: Ransfering Assessment of Violence in Europe and Locally Studying Stalking). Associazione Differenza Donna (ONLUS). Name of partner organisation: Department of Psychology, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, LITHUANIA Coordinator: Rita Zukauskiene
- 2002-2003 Leader and main grant holder of the research project on Implementation of gender equality as guarantee of women’s career success in education, science and decision – making processes (UNESCO participation program 2002-2003)
- 2001, 2002, 2003 Leader and main grants holder of the Network under support of Nordic Grant Scheme and NorFA
- 2001 Principal organizer and main grants holder of Nordic-Baltic Summer Institute on Risk and protective factors in development of antisocial behavior, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003 – Leader and main grant holder of the research projects on Development of Antisocial behavior in adolescence (Lithuanian Science Foundation).
- 1999 – 2000 Leader and main grant holder of the research project “Future goals and beliefs of potential at-risk youth in changing social system” (Young investigators grant from John Jacobs foundation).
- Leader and main grant holder of the research project “Aggressive Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence” (Research Support Scheme, Prague, RSS No. 128/1966).
Journal and Editorial Affiliation
-European Journal of Developmental Psychology (Editorial Board member), 2003 –
-European Psychologist (Editorial Board member), 2003 –2009
-Child and Youth Care Forum (Editorial Board member), 2010 –
-Emerging Adulthood (assistant editor) 2016–2019
-Social Inquiry into Well-Being (Editor), 2015 –2017
Validation of research instruments
– ASEBA : CBCL, YSR, TRF (2001 revision)
– YPI (Youth Psychopathy Inventory), EMBU, SAQ, PSC
– PCL-R , PCL-SV (in collaboration with A. Laurinavicius and I. Cesniene)
– SARA, B-SAFER (in collaboration with A. Laurinavicius)
– CAPP (Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality)
Activities and Memberships in International Organizations:
-European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Council Member, 2016-2018 President,
– International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD). Coordinators of ISSBD Regional Office (Lithuania)
-Lithuanian Association of Psychologists
-COST, Member of Scientific Committee, 2016-2020
-Social Psychology Network,
– Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute at Simon Fraser University,
Expert in international programs:
- 2004 – EU, Priority 7: Citizens and governance in the knowledge based society
- 2004 – 2005 EU project POLITIS “Civic Participation of Naturalised Citizens and Foreign Residents in 25 Countries”
- 2004 – USA National Science Foundation (NSF)
- 2009 – Finish Academy
- 2010 – Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
- 2010 – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- 2010- 2014 COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), DC
Conferences & workshops: Principal organizer of
-Nordic-Baltic Summer Institute on Risk and protective factors in the development of antisocial behavior (together with Lars R. Bergman). June 7 – 13, 2001 Vilnius, Lithuania
-Nordic-Baltic International Workshop on Survey methodology and statistics (together with Lars R. Bergman). November 7 – 10, 2002, Vilnius, Lithuania.
-Nordic-Baltic International Workshop on Positive Psychology and research methodology (together with Lars R. Bergman). Vilnius, Lithuania, October 23- 26, 2003.
– Nordic-Baltic International Workshop “Child and Adolescent Welfare: Assessment and Research Methodology” Vilnius, Lithuania, October 22- 23, 2004.
– XVth European Conference on Psychology and Law, Vilnius, June 29 – July 2, 2005.
-XIV European Conference on Developmental Psychology , Vilnius, August 18-22, 2009
– 12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, 12 – 15 May, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania,
-24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, July 10-14, 2016 , Vilnius, Lithuania